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Поддръжката на JSON и JSONL вече е налична за наборите от данни на ChatBotKit

ChatBotKit Datasets вече поддържа файлови формати JSON и JSONL, което позволява ефективно и безпроблемно импортиране на структурирани данни. Разширете възможностите на своя чатбот и осигурете по-точни отговори въз основа на въведените от потребителя данни. Актуализирайте акаунта си в ChatBotKit днес и изведете чатбота си на следващото ниво!

We are thrilled to announce an upgrade to the ChatBotKit Datasets feature - you can now import files in both JSON and JSONL formats! With this enhancement, importing structured data to provide your chatbot with additional context and information has become a breeze. The seamless integration allows your chatbot to access and utilize the imported data to generate more accurate responses based on user input.

Whether your dataset comprises product information, customer service queries, or general knowledge, this new feature ensures that the data importing process is efficient and hassle-free. The JSON and JSONL file formats are known for their ease of use and wide acceptance in data handling, making them an excellent choice for enhancing the capabilities of your ChatBotKit Datasets.

By enabling the import of JSON and JSONL files, we are not only simplifying the data integration process but also expanding the possibilities for what your chatbot can achieve. Now, with a straightforward importing process, you can quickly set up your chatbot to handle more complex queries and provide more precise answers. This is a step forward in making ChatBotKit Datasets a more robust and user-friendly platform for all your chatbot data needs.

Experience the upgraded data importing feature by logging into your ChatBotKit account today, and take your chatbot to the next level of performance and user satisfaction!