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Представяне на съветника за умения на ChatBotKit

Открийте най-новата актуализация на ChatBotKit Skillset Abilities - усъвършенстван съветник, който опростява процеса на генериране на подробни инструкции за умения за вашия чатбот. Повишете възможностите на чатбота си и го интегрирайте с външни услуги без усилие. Изпробвайте го сега и изпитайте повишена ефективност и ефикасност!

We are thrilled to announce the latest update to ChatBotKit Skillset Abilities! ChatBotKit now includes a cutting-edge built-in wizard that empowers users to effortlessly generate detailed ability instructions. This innovative feature is particularly useful when integrating with external services such as Zendesk, Notion, and a variety of others.

By leveraging the power of this wizard, you can simplify and expedite the process of creating new abilities, thus significantly enhancing the capabilities of your chatbot. We encourage you to give it a try and witness firsthand how this remarkable addition can elevate your chatbot to new heights of efficiency and effectiveness!