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Как да използвате технологията ChatBotKit Conversation AI за автоматично отговаряне на входящи заявки за поддръжка в Zendesk

Научете как да използвате технологията Conversation AI на ChatBotKit с интеграция със Zapier, за да отговаряте автоматично на входящи заявки за поддръжка в Zendesk. Този урок обяснява как да създадете набор от данни на ChatBotKit и да го интегрирате със Zapier, за да автоматизирате задачи между различни приложения. Като използват ChatBotKit за отговаряне на запитвания от клиенти, предприятията могат да подобрят удовлетвореността на клиентите и да спестят време и ресурси на екипите за поддръжка на клиенти.


As businesses grow, so does the number of inquiries they receive. Zendesk is a popular customer support platform that helps businesses manage support requests from various channels. However, handling these requests can be time-consuming and overwhelming for customer support teams. This is where ChatBotKit Conversation AI technology comes in handy. ChatBotKit can be integrated with Zendesk to automatically answer incoming support requests, thereby reducing the workload of customer support teams.

In this tutorial, we will explore how to use ChatBotKit Zapier integration to achieve this.

ChatBotKit Datasets

ChatBotKit uses datasets to define custom domain knowledge specific to a business. A dataset is a collection of intents, entities, and responses that the ChatBotKit model uses to understand and respond to user input. Here are the steps to follow when creating a dataset:

  1. Log in to your ChatBotKit account and navigate to the "Datasets" section.
  2. Create a new dataset and give it a name that reflects the domain it covers.
  3. Create dataset records that represent the domain specific information the chatbot has access to. For example you can add information about specific problems and solutions, frequently asked questions and even previous customer responses. Use the import feature to import your existing websites, web pages and documents.

ChatBotKit Zapier Integration

ChatBotKit can be integrated with Zapier, a web automation platform, to automate tasks between different apps. In this case, we will use Zapier to connect ChatBotKit with Zendesk. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Sign up for Zapier and create a new Zap.
  2. Choose Zendesk as the trigger app and select "New Ticket" as the trigger event.
  3. Connect your Zendesk account to Zapier by following the on-screen instructions.
  4. Choose ChatBotKit as the action app and select "Conversation Interact" as the action event.
  5. Connect your ChatBotKit account to Zapier by following the on-screen instructions.
  6. Write the chatbot backstory that will be used to introduce the chatbot to customers. This backstory should include the chatbot's purpose (to assist with customer support requests), and any other relevant information (such as the business's name or industry) plus any other instruction that will be useful.
  7. The Request (text) field must contain what you want the chatbot to do plus the message from the Zendesk ticket. For example you can say “Response the following customer support email” followed by the customer name and the original ticket content.
  8. You can select a number of available AI models. We recommend to use “gpt-3.5-turbo”.
  9. Finally, select your ChatBotKit dataset that contains your custom domain knowledge specific to your business. This dataset will ensure that the ChatBotKit message accurately answers the incoming support request.
  10. Test the integration to ensure that it works properly.


ChatBotKit Conversation AI technology can help businesses automate their customer support process by automatically answering incoming Zendesk support requests. By integrating ChatBotKit with Zapier and using ChatBotKit datasets to define custom domain knowledge, businesses can ensure that their customers receive accurate and timely responses to their inquiries. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also saves time and resources for customer support teams.