Открийте възможностите на ChatBotKit API - вашето решение за интегриране на най-съвременните функции на изкуствения интелект в приложенията ви. С оторизация на базата на токени, подход, базиран на действия, и поддръжка на странициране и стрийминг, нашият API предлага гъвкавост и сигурност. Разгледайте нашата изчерпателна документация за API и започнете да изследвате възможностите още днес!

ChatBotKit API is your one-stop solution for integrating cutting-edge AI functionality into your applications. Our API is designed to be powerful yet flexible, offering a range of endpoints and features that can be tailored to your specific needs.

Основни характеристики

  • Action-Based Approach: Our API is designed around actions, not just resources. Each resource supports a range of actions, such as listing, creating, updating, and more. This dynamic approach allows for greater flexibility and closer alignment with your application's needs.
  • Token-Based Authorization: We prioritize security and convenience. Our token-based authorization system lets you create tokens for accessing the API, and even generate scoped tokens for specific resources and actions.
  • User Assumption: Need to switch context to a sub-account? Our API supports that too! Perfect for parent-child account relationship configurations.
  • Pagination and Streaming: Handle large datasets with ease. Our API supports cursor-based pagination and streaming, to help you efficiently navigate and pull large quantities of data.

Using the ChatBotKit API

Here’s a glimpse of what working with our API looks like. Here is how to list you conversations:

GET /v1/conversation/list HTTP/1.1 Host: api.chatbotkit.com Authorization: Bearer {your_token_here}

Here is how to use our streaming capabilities to receive messages:

POST /v1/conversation/complete HTTP/1.1 Host: api.chatbotkit.com Authorization: Bearer {your_token_here} Accept: application/jsonl {"text": "Hello"} HTTP/1.1 200 OK Conten-Type: application/jsonl Transfer-Encoding: chunked {"type": "token", "token": "Hi"} {"type": "token", "token": "there"} {"type": "token", "token": "!"}

All list and completion endpoints support streaming responses in multiple formats such as application/jsonl и text/csv.

Потопете се по-дълбоко

Ready to explore more? Our comprehensive API documentation provides everything you need to start integrating ChatBotKit into your applications. For the full experience, please visit our OpenAPI specification page.