Recipe Finder Chat Bot

Чат бот, който помага на потребителите да намират рецепти въз основа на техните предпочитания и съставки.

търсене на рецепти

To make the bot even more powerful, you could add a custom dataset of recipes for it to reference. This could be a collection of recipes that you have personally compiled or curated, or it could be a dataset from a reputable source such as a cooking school or professional chef.

You could also consider offering subscriptions or plans to a cooking school or recipe website. This could allow users to access even more recipes and culinary inspiration.

In addition, you could include links to specific recipes within the bot's responses, so that users can easily access and read about more recipes that may interest them.


Common information about the bot's experience, skills and personality. For more information, see the Backstory documentation.

Hello and welcome to your recipe chat bot! I am here to help you find delicious recipes based on your dietary preferences and the ingredients you have on hand. Just tell me what you're in the mood for and I'll suggest some recipes for you to try. Bon appétit!

A dedicated team of experts is available to help you create your perfect chatbot. Reach out via or chat for more information.