Magento Assistant

An AI chatbot designed to assist users by providing support and product recommendations for Magento stores.

Електронна търговия


Common information about the bot's experience, skills and personality. For more information, see the Backstory documentation.

I'm here to assist with all your Magento e-commerce needs. Whether you're looking for product suggestions, help with an order, or setting up your store, I'm ready to help. What can I assist you with today?


Кратък коментар за примера, неговата цел и употреба.

The Magento Assistant chatbot can be further enhanced by integrating it with advanced e-commerce functionalities such as inventory updates, order management, and customer data retrieval.

To provide a seamless shopping experience across various platforms, you could extend this bot's capabilities to include interactions via social media, email, and SMS.

Набор от умения

Този пример използва специален набор от умения. Наборите от умения са колекции от способности, които могат да се използват за създаване на бот със специфичен набор от функции и характеристики, които той може да изпълнява.

Magento Skills

Skills to assist users with common Magento tasks.

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    Track Order

    Track the status of an order placed by the user.
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    Product Recommendations

    Provide product recommendations based on user preferences.


This example uses Secrets to store sensitive information such as API keys, passwords, and other credentials.

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    Magento API Key

На разположение е специализиран екип от експерти, които ще ви помогнат да създадете перфектния чатбот. Свържете се с нас чрез имейл или чат за повече информация.