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Интеграция на игрище за изображения и генеративни модели на изкуствен интелект

Интеграция на Image Playground и Generative AI Models - нова и вълнуваща актуализация от ChatBotKit! Опитайте силата на изкуствения интелект с нашата площадка за изображения, където можете да проектирате персонализирани изображения с помощта на предварително обучени генеративни модели. Свържете се с популярни генеративни AI модели директно във вашите чатботове, за да подобрите потребителското изживяване. Позволете на вашия чатбот да разказва увлекателни приказки, да пише код, да обсъжда философи и да изненадва потребителите с културни любопитни факти. Открийте възможностите и разгърнете креативността си с ChatBotKit!

We are excited to announce that ChatBotKit, your go-to platform for developing versatile and responsive chatbots, is stepping up the game!

Unveiling the Playground

Imagine a space for experimentation, trial, and fun within the realms of artificial intelligence! We're rolling out the ChatBotKit Image Playground - a unique platform that brings creativity and technicality together. With the first in the lineup, the Image Playground, users can now design custom images using various types of pre-trained generative models. Enjoy the freedom to tweak different models and parameters, crafting unique images that can be incorporated into your chatbot or other projects. It's user-friendly, innovative, and hit ⌘ + Enter to watch the magic unfurl!

Connect with AI Bot Directly

Furthermore, we are thrilled to roll out direct integration with popular generative AI models directly in your bots! These AI models can now be leveraged directly as Skillsets. Be it for creative writing, programming, humanities, or culture, these AI Models are designed to provide a whole new level of interaction and user experience to your chatbots.

Now your chatbot can spin an engaging tale, write code, discuss philosophers or surprise your users with fascinating cultural trivia. The possibilities are endless, and we are looking forward to seeing the disruptive and innovative ways developers like you will use this new feature.

Isn’t it exciting? We are thrilled about these upgrades and hope they will spark new ideas and create enhanced user experiences for your chatbot projects.

Let's continue forging the future of AI, together with ChatBotKit!

Get ready to bring out more than just your coding skills, bring out your creativity!